Wednesday 9 October 2013

Informing Children of Their Rights

A common theme from the comments we've been receiving have been revolving around the Little Orange Box.  From the comments and discussions from classmates, many remember taking home the donation box but few remember the underlining reason as to why the donations were important or the role UNICEF played in promoting children rights. We feel that this time of year would be a great opportunity to inform children of their rights and privileges, however from experience, educators and caregivers are overlooking rights that may not be more well-known.

Article 5: Your family has the responsibility to help you learn to exercise your rights, and to ensure that your rights are protected.

Article 42: You have the right to know your rights! Adults should know about these rights and help you learn about them, too.

If we are not informing children of their rights, are we, as adults, violating their rights? How does one pass on this knowledge in a child friendly way? Are we not informing because we feel that children will not understand the extent of the content or simply because we did not know these rights existed?

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